Friday, June 20, 2008


Its Friday!!! Time seems to be moving at such a fast speed these days huh? Weeks are flying by and before we know it we will be in July already. So not any real big plans for the weekend which is always nice as the next few weekends after this one is jammed pack with activities. To start off my weekend we are going out after work for cocktails tonite at Hula Hula- to bid a sad farewell to a colleague of mine from Holland America who is moving to Florida to work for Royal Caribbean. I am so looking forward to a drink after work tonite that's for sure as work is the same but I am hanging in there.

Tomorrow I plan to head over for a few hours to the Its About Life Gay Expo-- I will do some networking and maybe try to drum up some biz for me at my new job and of course have some fun. We may go to a few farmers markets since the weather is suppose to be decent-- low 70's and partly cloudy...I love going to these markets and about each community in Seattle has one on a weeknight or on the weekends-There is one in Burien about 3 blocks from our house on Thursday nights-its small right now about 20 booths but it will grow in time. My favorite market right now is the Ballard Farmers Market- it used to be small but has gotten bigger and bigger. So we have our own Pike Place Markets in each area-Pikes is such a tourist trap these days and I go there only when we have out of townees visiting. Another biggy this weekend is the Fremont Fair-- which at one time was small and now is a big time event that has turned into a MAD HOUSE-- Even all the suburbanites come into town for it now-this one I will avoid-- Did all this in my 20's- Back then there were so many naked people participating-- times have changed. Much like Seattle Pride which is now the 2nd biggest parade in the state! They had to move it from the gay area of Capitol Hill to Downtown a few years ago.....More on that later when I do my pride post! So its a weekend of fun in Seattle, now is it 500 yet dammit! I'm ready for a gimlet cocktail already.....


  1. JEEZ, you alcoholic! Do you ever think of anything other than booze???

    LOL, just kidding! You know I enjoy my lovely gay cocktails as much as the next gay.

    Have a wonderful time tonight with your departing colleague, at the farmers markets, and the expo. Take and post photos!

    Mark :-)

  2. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Have a fabulous time.

    That sister needs ot kick the habit.
