Saturday, July 05, 2008


So much to tell and so much going on so I haven't had much time to blog till today and frankly I am so tired from yesterdays celebrations that I will have to make this quick as possible- I want to go and lay down on the sectional with the kids and get some R and R..... 

Friday- Resigned from my new job as I could not take it anymore..So much went on with it but the bottom line was it was unprofessional environment and not a right career move for me at all.  I hate to say it but I was really was too good for it really, and it kinda sounds bad saying this or maybe even pompous for some of you but it the honest truth and I felt it when I gave them my notice that afternoon-----they pretty much begged me to think about it over the weekend and come back on Monday with a final decision.......they put out all kinds of offers and changes to my position to woo me-- and that made me feel good but I had already made up my mind that I was not a good fit and it made me more confused...

Saturday- Had errands and a cocktail party to celebrate pride weekend! Thought about the job and the pros and cons..

Sunday- Pride Day and parade-- Had a long HOT day it was great! I will try to get the few pics I took posted one day....I ended up walking to the job ( it is on the parade route) ...Putting my key card and parking pass in my desk...emptied the office and left a message that I will not be in on Monday-- thanks for the opportunity to think about my resignation over the weekend but I have decided it is in my best interest to terminate myself effective immediately... Gay Pride..New pride on life...LOL

Monday- Got a call from HR....The gal and I got along very well-- so she was very cool about it all--got my final pay check secured etc...She asked me if I would write a letter about my experience as she wants to have the complaints and issues I had in writing to submit to corp--as they want need help to heave ho Korean Linda Blair....A few weeks ago this HR person asked me if I would do this as well and I told her I was still new and didn't feel too comfortable doing this yet and making waves.....she then brought out this file about a inch think with papers and says "this is all FUCKEN complaints against KLB"..... Can you believe that?  So anyhow I told her I was still not interested in helping them heave ho her and I just want a clean break from them and this is one of the reasons I decided to leave-- too much drama in the company and I don't want to be involved with this sort of a unprofessionalism and this isn't the atmosphere I was looking for in a that shut her up.........So yippee I am outta of there for reals ---finally!  

Tuesday- New Job Offer!  Working for a tour operator and group sales!!!  I start the new job on Monday!!!  There is a god....

Wednesday- George Michael Concert--- Was In the 2ND ROW-- It was super AWESOME and we were so close that he would sing to you!  My favorite part of the concert?  ALL OF IT.....The man still has it as his voice is still in great shape....He looks good too- Better in person than his pics...My favorite moment? When he looked at us and was singing --Amazing!  A George Michael groupie is now born....

Thursday- Recoup....With no voice and alot to do-- clean the house and yard and prepare for our 4th of July Bash.

Friday- July 4th BBQ bash at the house--had about 25 guest---Had a great time and then watched the fireworks from our front yard-- The lake a block away puts on a nice show every year... I drank and ate a bit too much....

Today-- Cleaned up all morning am from the bash....took a few  I can go watch Ellen and curl up on the sectional and then get a nap in.... we have a BBQ tonite with some all of our posse in West Seattle.....

Signing off for now....


  1. all of this happened in one week? you've been one hell of a busy boy. great on leaving the old job, excellent on the new job! you sound as busy as we are. i wish you well.

  2. Wow, congrats on ditching the Korean Linda Blair and getting the new job! Hope it works out much better.

    Mark :-)

  3. Talk about a whirlwind of activity, when did you find time to sleep?!
