Wednesday, July 09, 2008

George Micheal Concert-
Seattle July 3

Took me awhile to post, I didn't like the pictures of us too much but here they are-total blackmail pics man......I had mentioned we had a amazing time.....Being in the 2nd row was fricken awesome! Im your man GM!!


Mark in DE said...

How exciting! Loved the photos of GM, and you and your hubby.

Mark :-)

Anonymous said...

nest week, baby! next week!

Baxter's Briefs said...

Nice pics!

A Lewis said...

You know, if George wasn't gay, I think I'd like him. But I just can't support those people's agendas.

IAN said...

Wow! can't wait! July 23! NYC!

Rick said...

Great pics. Houston this Monday and I have no ticket. :( It's not sold out but dang it's a work night.

Anonymous said...

I saw him in NYC on 7/21 and I was blown away. It was almost 20 years to the day after I saw the Faith tour. My favorite track was I'm Your Man because the Wham videos brought back such great memories but his overall set list was incredible and well thought out. I loved the fact that he donned the cop outfit from the Outside video!