Thursday, July 31, 2008

Im Sick....
Gee.... I haven't been sick in quite sometime...But I'm not feeling to well at all--Yesterday afternoon I was feeling kinda weird at work and then I got all itchy on my chest and strangely on the back of my legs....Went home and took a nap as I didn't feel quite right.....Got up and felt even more itchy-- Went into the bathroom to look at myself and I was shocked....I had hives all over my back, butt and legs! WTF! I have never had hives before ever---maybe a slight rash but wow this was scary.....So I took a cool bath and popped some allergy pills......Most of the swelling went down but later in the evening before turning in I noticed it had spread to my arms, chest, head and other areas but not swollen just red blotches.....

I cant figure out what/why.....I do know I was stung by 5 bees a few weeks ago while I was cleaning the yard? I checked out the areas I was stung and it looked ok and healed and this bee stings was on Monday the 21st....Over a week ago....I also ate a coconut doughnut yesterday afternon and thats when the itching started?PLus my throat felt funny..... hmmmmm..Are people allergic to coconut?

So Got up this morning and I feel like crap-- I am run downed and feel like I have been put through a hard night of partying.....Kinda like the flu...My body is sore and fatigued and yes the hives are still all over but not swollen just blotchy all over still--even my hands.......Jeff wants me to go to the doc...but I have no insurance! Since I am in between new bene's start on 9/01! I have to try to make it 4 1/2 weeks with no med needs.........I would of stayed home sick today but with the new job I also don't have any sick time off yet either! So I am at work hoping the day goes fast so I can get home and go back to bed as I am sooo sleepy! If this doesn't get better I will go to my old doctor that I had 20 years ago...The Community was my doctor when I had no insurance in my 20's .....Its staffed by "family" so its a good place to go when you are down and out....


  1. It sounds like you're having an allergic reaction. Its difficult to tell what is causing it, as it could be a myriad of things. The cocoanut doughnut could be the culprit. Try taking some Benedryl. If it doesn't go away within 2 days, I'd go to the doctor.

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Mark :-)

  2. You should go to the doctor but who am I to talk. I hate going. I woke up one time 20 years ago and had hives and my lips and eyes swollen. I couldn't believe it. I went to the doc and they told me it was probably stress. What?
    Take an oatmeal bath Aveno?till you get some help. Get well!

  3. It could be coconut. Growing up my friend in high school was allergic to all forms of nut including coconut. Even just placing a nut on her tongue would cause her to swell up like a chipmunk. One time, in college I was taking her to a dance and we had dinner with another couple, asked the waiter if the dessert had nuts, he said no, but after the first bite we had to take her to the emergency room because she started turning blue.
    Once you get insurance again, you may want to see an allergy specialist.
    Feel better.
