Thursday, July 24, 2008

Inquiring Minds Want to Know....

Question?- Why would someone say how much they liked something--rave and compliment it--then keep mentioning it a few times on how much they liked it---at least 3 times on separate occasions in a weeks time. Thus making you think.....Wow they really liked it!!! What a nice compliment! How nice of them!

Then you find out that this someone actually told another person how much they DIDN'T like it the week before all these compliments and actually made fun of it?

Now why would someone go out of there way to compliment something continuously when in actuality they really didn't like it at all? BTW--This isn't a first for this type of behavior and they also tend to criticize and talk about you behind your back quite often which is overlooked on alot of occassions.

I maybe going out on a limb but I would say they are a lame, fake, two faced piece of do do pie that thinks they are so much better than you/everyone--but really in actuality I think they should take a long hard look in a mirror and take a closer look as it ain't too pretty!

Or MAYBE better yet ... they are just a game playing, immature, and insecure ninny? Yes!!! I think that would be it! BINGO!!!!


  1. Hmm...such a mysterious post. I'm intrigued...

  2. Sounds like someone who feels the need to be talking about other people all the time, and changes their opinion/story depending on who their talking to. Doesn't sound like someone I'd want as a friend.

    Mark :-)

  3. Sounds like some of the pill popping yahoos I work with.

  4. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sounds like you have a problem with someone and If I was you I would cut them out of my life if it is a ongoing problem. I think life is too short for people that create drama like this!

  5. "they are just a game playing, immature, and insecure ninny"

    Ah, I see you've met my ex.
