Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Guilty Pleasure
Graham Norton

So I am a TOTAL Graham fan.... We watch and record all his shows both from the US and BBC....Its a must to tape on the DVR.....I joke to the hubby that this may be one man I would leave him for....Ouch! But I also told him I would keep him on the side as a boy toy while with Graham as well.......I am just kidding of course but Graham is really another one on the top of my exclusive list as one of those individuals in the world I would love to meet one day.....I would love to be in his posse! He makes me laugh to tears and I enjoy his antics and he is always right on top of any conversation. I am a total fan and cant get enough.....I love ya Graham! Maybe one day we will be able to see you live here or in the UK!


  1. I think he's super-funny. I enjoy his show a lot. But not so much in the looks dept for me. To each his own!

    Mark :-)

  2. Anonymous3:46 PM

    with you on that one. he's loads of fun.
