Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Shiny New Crutches
Shiny New Crutches.... A weekend story.... Friday was a good day as I awoke with no hives...it had all cleared up and was gone-- only thing was my hands which didn't have any hives but they were sensitive (kinda like when you give someone a good spanking and your hands feel sensitive)--he he he..... So it was a good day....Until.......I went home and started the blower for a quick blow job as there were so many leaves on the patio and such from these 2 damm Madronna trees in my backyard! Friggen trees sheds in the summertime and drives me bananas! Well I got into a groove and was blowing like a banshee.....Then I sorta got carried away as I was only planning on just getting the patio done as I then climbed up on the roof of the garage to get the gutters done as well which were also overflowing with leaves...Gutters were bone dry so it was easy to blow it out- after I was done it was time to come down from the garage roof.....Well long story short I lost my balance and fell off the roof trying to get down and pretty much just jumped down and landed in the back yard.....at first I just lost my wind.....then I noticed that my heels-which I pretty much used for my landing when I jumped ---went numb.....so I layed there for a moment to catch my breath....then I got up and rolled up the 100 ft extension and put away the blower........I was able to walk but slowly and it was a little painful.....but thought nothing of it......As I consider myself a tough cookie....I then went into the house to take a quick shower........by the time I finished with my shower I noticed my left foot and ankle were swelling... well by then I could hardly walk.....I almost had to be carried out of the shower...

So........ I have not been able to walk AT ALL since Friday night! My ankle and foot swelled and grew to elephantitis proportions on Saturday... So I have been elevating and icing it all weekend...Doing the "RICE" treatment- Rest,Ice,Compress and Elevate.....Thanks Internet......On Sunday the swelling went down a bit and it has gone down considerably more each day but it is black and blue...... and no, I didn't go to the emergency as I refuse to pay about a $1500 emergency bill for them to tell me nothing is broken and then tell me what I have already been doing with the "RICE" treatment.....But I have to admit it is a little scary......But again since I don't have any insurance with this between jobs thing---I am in a pickle... I am so unlucky... I hardly ever use my insurance when I have it-- which has been pretty much all my life and then for a 2 month period that I don't have it with being in between jobs I have all this shit happening! Yikes! though I really don't think I broke anything....I pretty much went online and read up on what I need to be doing.....I was very worried all weekend as It was so swollen and I could not even walk.....but this morning it is better- not great....but better......

So I got some shiny new crutches to hobble around on...... Great deal at the local thrift shop too! only $7.99.....can you imagine what they charge for them at the docs office? I told the husband that there must be allot of crutches in the world that need homes that are disguarded and sure enough he got a bright shiny new set home from out local thrift shop....

I am about to call a clinic to see if I can come in just to get a x ray this afternoon....Everyone at the office and the husband and friends want me to go x ray it just in case...they are nagging me to death........I cant seem to find a clinic to do it for less than $250! Can someone please send a seedling my way for a money tree please?


  1. You have got to be kidding. I can't even turn my back on you for a minute. Every time my hubby heads up on the roof I get nervous. wishing you better RICE days ahead.

  2. OMG! You should consider yourself lucky that you didn't hurt yourself worse that this! You could have EASILY broken your foot, leg, or ankle.

    You might try the community walk-in clinic for an xray.

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

    Mark :-)
