Monday, September 29, 2008

Catching up on TV, A Dinner Party, A Birthday Party
and mystery Armani underwear....

What a weekend! Friday night was pretty uneventful-- We had a nice dinner at home and watched the presidential debate for a bit and that was painful enough--I was just hoping Obama would take off his American flag pin and just stick it in McCain's eye the whole time! Now what fun drama that would of been! We then got caught up on the weeks tele shows we had stored on the DVR for the week...the usual suspects--Project Runway, Top Model, Top Design, Rachel Zoe, Graham Norton and my number one show at the moment Sordid Lives....What am I going to do now that all the fall shows are about to start this week? Its going to be tough to keep up so thank god for that DVR.....

Saturday morning was time to clean the house and get the yard work done and prepare for the dinner soiree we were having that evening. So we were up at the crack of dawn cleaning and preparing the house. I got out in the yard and got the lawn mowed and then the lanai area ready and such. We told everyone to come over at around six so we originally had the day to prepare but at the last moment my sister called on Thursday night and asked if we could make a birthday lunch for my nephew Cody at two in the afternoon! So we had to bust a move as we could not cancel the dinner-/so our schedule was quite tight. It was really nice though to see my family and we had a good time at Cody's b day bash and he is one handsome devil--- Takes after his uncle I believe--he he he--- He did turn 17......We don't get to see him or the rest of them kids much now that they are teens and they hang out with friends and such..... Not the "Uncles" anymore much. I cant believe how fast my nephews and nieces are all growing up as one by one they are graduating high school and heading off to college. I had several vodka gimlets at lunch so was feeling no pain by the time we left to go home to get ready for our guest. We got home at 550 and since we expected guest to start arriving at 600 we were running around the house like 2 chickens without our heads ---putting the food out and lighting candles and all that---The guest started arriving at 630 so all were actually ok. Since we needed a theme for the night we all decided after a few drinks that we were celebrating the start of FALL and the FALL of Wall Street. LOL- we are terrible eh? It was a lovely dinner party and all the food was delish and company divine as usual. We drank ALOT MORE than usual..Maybe it was do to all that FALL talk....

Sunday am-----Eye chihuahua! My head! Maybe it was due to those tequila shots--or the Vodka Gimlets or the whiskey shots? Whatever the case I was not feeling so hot yesterday so I drank a lot of coffee to get me to cleaning and picking up the house.....boy waht a mess...nto too bad but found all kids of stuff earrings, lip gloss and threw out all the unclaimed underwear left all over the house....must of been a good party eh? Then mustered up enough energy to give the THREE kids a bath. With the house clean and the kidos clean and a nice 70 degree day at hand ---I sat out in the sun for a bit by 11am and then took a nice long nap and just relaxed all day and evening.....Nice weekend but much to short.....I think I still taste the tequila and its Monday........and what the .......noticed this isn't my pair of Aramani underwear I have on today? what the heck is going on???

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sounds like quite the party! Wish I were there.

    Mark :-)
