Friday, September 19, 2008

Childhood FLASHBACK!
A good one!
You ever see a lad and its brings back a very fond memory of a boy you had a very special relationship with when you were young? I was kinda fortunate as I didn't have a hard time growing up much as I wasn't picked on for being a sissy and such. I hear all the time on boys who had a horrendous time in high school growing up gay -- for me it was sometimes mentioned but mostly I believed it was because I had so many "Barbie" girlfriends and they were jealous and wondered how this boy got all this fine tail. Thank god for the Barbies though, as they attracted the prime boys and we all know how horny those boys can be! I was a good alternative when they didn't get star cheerleader to give them a blow job! HA! All was ok in high school until I came out at 18 right after graduation--it was not my decision but due to a girlfriend that blabbered about my private conversation we had when I stupidly confided in her on how I thought I may like boys more than girls....stupid drunk me....My life changed so fast with this forced outing after her gossip spread through our community/town like wildfire. So the whole town went crazy with rumors ....did you HEAR? HE IS GAY!! OMG!!! I then lost my posse of friends and friendships very fast- and especially the guys.... So I packed up and ran off to the big city "Seattle" and left all my burb Buddy's behind and started fresh--if you can call "Fresh" submerging myself into the gay ghetto/culture in 1985 at the Monastery discotheque- But believe it or not at 18 and a 1/2 I didn't know about gay people and was surprised to find them when I went on my own... I simply could not believe that there were THAT many people like people?.....but this is a whole other story and post....

So yes I had my fair share of guys and a few girls that I had relationships with back in my HS days and I hear ( I have 2 sisters back in the old stomping grounds) about some of them every now and then. Most of them got married and nowadays they are mostly divorced or on a second or third marriage with children and grandchildren. But we wont go into the details on who and what happened back in those days But this pic did bring about a memory about one boy in particular that held my heart for about a year before I became a sorta male tramp in high school..Boy we sure shared a lot of sessions.... if you know what I mean.....

I was the new 9th grader- I had just moved to the state from Hawaii and was starting high school in a new town and he was the neighbor boy in the 7 grade from the nice Christian family down the way. He looked much older than me for being 2 years younger as he was built due to he being very athletic and into every sport--we would ride our bikes to his soccer and baseball practices and go play in the woods alot.....and he LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE THIS BOY ABOVE!! He really was my first for real kisses with a boy and we pretty much taught each other how to kiss-Im sure I was his first as well..... it was hot and heavy frenching and cuddling and all that--among other things. Our hot and heavy encounters lasted for about a year until his mother found a letter between us and we were forever then shamed and our friendship and relationship came to a screaming halt. I was sad but more ashamed as I was very close to his whole family as I joined them in church and Sunday school for that year and was part of the family and I felt I had let him, god and his family down- They were a strong Christian family with good faith and we had made a big mistake. At the same time during this year long boy affair I also saw a girl for a few months that 9th grade year but never did anything more than peek her cheek.

A few years later he became a football star when he entered high school and ended up having a torrid romance with a girl-- now get this---the EXACT girl I was dating in the 9th grade! They ended up going out for many years and all through high school---He was the star linebacker and she was the head cheerleader---- it was perfect for them and images. He and I ended up talking in the halls of school every now and then but never became friends or close again and pretty much avoided each other.......oh the shame......But our secret was always that........ a secret that was safe and guarded........ well that is until I just posted it on this blog........ but I don't think any of these folks read blogs or mine in particular so I think I am least I hope so......I consider him to be my first true love......He was my star athlete boyfriend and all I can think of when I look at this model above is how much I loved it when he paraded around in our rooms or at the fort we built in the woodsor isn his garage (winter months fort).... in his jock strap and tube socks! What fine memories INDEED!


  1. it's good that you still appreciate the happy parts of this bittersweet memory.

    hugs for sharing!

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    This is the most personal post I can remember reading on this blog. Very interesting. Have you reconnected with many of these people on facebook yet? :)

  3. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I very much appreciated this posting. It was really sweet. You should consider just calling him up one day and see how life is treating him.

  4. Wow! You lucky bastard! But then again, I went to boarding school for a while which is a different story ..... ;-)

  5. Its great that you did not suffer in school for being gay as many did. Thanks for sharing that interesting story about your 1st love. If he looked anything like that photo, I can IMAGINE the fun you two had!!!

    Mark :-)
