Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wanna be my friend? I finally gave in and built a facebook profile--Just like myspace I was just not into it..I was being stubborn, plus with a blog that take up what little time I have to spare---I was reluctant....I hope I don't abandon the blog and become a facebook fella...nah!!!.....though  I still refuse to do the myspace thing--- but lets see how this facebook pans out...Many friends wanted me to start on so I gave in to the pressure......I would like to keep the blog separate from this as believe it or not--many of my friends don't even know about my blog which is ok with me.....So blogger buds and gals are any of you in there? Drop in and be my friend!!!!  I need some of your hotness to spice it up!  Look for Errol Tim :-)



  1. ohmygod i just did it myself. im not sure about it yet

  2. Friends have been hounding me to set up a Facebook page, too, but like you I have been relunctant. I've had a MySpace page for 2 years, my blog for almost 4 years. Maybe I'll give Facebook a chance - when I find the time!

    Mark :-)

  3. I'm with you! Well, at least I was. I totally refused to join FB. But then I *had to* as a bunch of friend had uploaded some photos and the only was I could get them was to sign up. 'Just sign up but you don't have to complete the profile' my friends said. 'Just get the pics and go'.

    Well, once I was on, I got a bunch of friends requests that had build up over the past couple years. Then came messages from friends who had seen I had signed up and well, a few months later, O kinda like it .. I'm ashamed to say :-(

  4. I just signed on to facebook a month or so ago. It seems to be about people I know, rather than meeting new people, like on blogs, where I have met your lovely self!

  5. Facebook is great for re-connecting with people from your distant past, if that's the sorta thing you like to do. My FB page includes my real name, a small pic and little else. Nothing creative, not even a link to my blog.
    Through FB I've been re-united with good friends from my youth and even a first cousin I'd not seen or heard anything about since we were children. Sometimes strangers ask to be 'friends' but I pretty much ignore them.
    May I suggest saving your artistic juices for Rad Homo and using Facebook as social tool? You might be surprised by the results.
