Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Whats Shaking Bacon?

Happy hump day! So we are at our 1/2 way point for the week. I hope your week is going well. I have been busy with everyday stuff and all in all things are going quite well. We are enjoying some nice weather in the Pacific Northwest-nice cool evenings and 70 plus degree days with sunshine-its perfect end of summer weather and it keeps your mood happy. I am gearing up to do my first of many end of summer yard clean ups which consist of cutting back some of the plants and perennials. It will be fallish in a few weeks which will then be an overflow of leaves. Spring and fall is alot of work in the yard with all the leaves and cutting back of stuff but I love it! I noticed the Japanese maples are slowly turning and close to changing for the show they give us each fall. They do a explosion of fall color which is beautiful! We didn't have that back home in Hawaii or California so its a treat for us to see all the orange and red hues. I may go and get some mums for fall color to add to the pots on the patio this weekend. The yard and gardens are looking good due to the mild summer we have enjoyed as most of the flowers and fauna look more like they would in July so its a nice year to enjoy all the plants. I even have oriental lilly's that are still blooming! Our tomato's and peppers are pumping out a bunch of fruit right now so we have been using it to cook, add to salads and make some fresh salsa. We took some over to a get together this last weekend and it was a big hit! The hubby does a fantastic job on making some fresh spicy salsa! He is my Rachel Ray/Barefoot Contessa rolled into a husband....He is also much more handsome then they are too! Hes a keeper.

So tomorrow is my follow up appointment with a orthopedic foot doctor to see how my ankle/foot injury is doing. It seems to be doing well as I can now walk and not hobble around so I am back in the world of the walking which is nice- no pain anymore so I am hoping this is a good sign. Will see how it really is doing after they do an x ray on it is my guess. I am crossing my toes, fingers and eyes that all is well with it. It was a first for me in all my life to have a injury that affected my mobility. I will forever be careful from now on- I guess I am not the super hero I used to be.

Hubby and I are a little antsy these days and a bit depressed as we usually go on a trip this time of year but with my new job I have no vacation allotment yet so we are stuck with no fall getaway this year. Last year we were in Hawaii at this time and I am so homesick right now! God we need a beach!!!!! Oh well, at least staying home will save us some $ and with winter bills around the corner I will be happy we didn't splurge on a fall trip this year, but its still hard to not be going anywheres on a getaway this fall. We will just have to make up for it next year in our travels! We plan to do a Mexico Sea of Cortez cruise in January or February and then London next fall to connect with friends in the UK...With the way time is moving these days we will be leaving for London before we know it even if its a year away! I cant believe its Sept 10th already- where has the year gone?


  1. I still can't believe that whole fall off the roof deal. That sucks so bad. As for this weather, it's been so amazingly beautiful!

  2. So you get out attention with a nice crispy piece of bacon .... and then talk about your garden! Not fair! I'm hungry now ...... :p

  3. Hope you get good news at the doctor's office!

    Mark :-)
