Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Homo Horror
I am such a fan!

If you're into campy horror films like I am.... then this is the time of year! I ran across this movie today -The Gay Bed and Breakfast of Terror and it looks to fit my like for this genre indeed! I have confessed many times in previous postings my love for shows like Dantes Cove and The Liar and all those cheesy horror homo type films and shows. Oh hush.... all you haters!! I know the acting isn't all that great most of the time but we all can easily agree that the men in them are quite easy on the eyes! I love me a good horror flick with naked men dont you? Here is a good pic of the cast below.While checking out the website for this thriller I read that it was or looks like had played at the Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival and then I see that the festival is going on right now! Gosh.... I am so out of the loop I guess! I am so ashamed! So I took a peek at the line up and now I see so many flicks I want to check out! damm! usual we are so busy on our weekends so we will have a hard time trying to squeeze any of this in. I think we may try to check out Scab tomorrow night if the moon and stars line up correctly as its playing close to home but kinda late at 945pm- it is way past my bedtime as we wake at 445am each day for work.....A afternoon nap will most definitely be in order tomorrow if we do this for sure.
So here is a few pics of the movie SCAB as well....I now know after looking further into it that this is a old movie that was made in 2005? Wow....I think I may have to find it on Amazon or TLA or something to that effect....Looks like a true homo horror--- and I know allot of you would call it soft porn...I call it right up my alley then! Bring it on!

and again there is nothing like a man in his white briefs!


  1. I worked the event after they had the movie. 3 dollar bill cinema, it was alot of fun. I am supposed to be going to the event with Elvira on Sunday but not sure if I can afford it, ugggh! Where is that raise?

    Have you seen Hellbent? Its great, check it out!

  2. I've never been a fan of horror films, but I DO love to support GLBT cinema and Independent cinema.

    Mark :-)
