Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Madge in 16 Days!!!!!
We see her in 16 days!!!!!!!! YAHOO!!! I love that she is rippin McDead and Pain-in!! God I love her!

Madonna Throws Condoms To New York Fans In Jibe At Sarah Palin
Madonna continued her onslaught on Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin during a show at Madison Square Garden in New York on Saturday night (October 11).
After performing her smash song 'Express Yourself' in front of the sell-out crowd, Madge said “I'd like to express myself to Sarah Palin right now" before she threw condoms into the crowd apparently emblazoned with images of Palin.
The condoms were undoubtedly a swipe at Palin's 17-year-old daughter Bristol who is pregnant. Madonna added that the condoms would promote safe sex as they had a picture of Sarah Palin on them.

Earlier in the night, when Madonna's guitar made a loud screeching sound, she joked: "This is the sound of Sarah Palin thinking."
This episode is just the latest of a string of attacks from Madonna. Last week she told her US fans that Palin was banned from attending any of her shows. She also launched a ditty at the Republican singing: “I'm gonna kick her ass if she don't get off of my street!”
Madonna was also criticised for bracketing an image of presidential hopeful John McCain with Adolf Hitler and Robert Mugabe on the opening night of her world tour.
A spokesperson for Mr McCain's campaign said Madonna's actions were “outrageous, unacceptable and crudely divisive all at the same time.”


  1. Hey I forgot to tell you I like your new banner.

  2. HA! That's hilarious! Good for Madge.

    Mark :-)

  3. SWEET!

    I didn't get to go to this show, I have got to see the queen once in 2004, floor seats and it was amazing! She puts on one hell of a show! You will have to tell us all about it!
