Saturday, October 18, 2008

Off to a Candle Party tonight..

We are off to a candle party/cocktail/Halloween swaray tonite--Its candle burning season with fall and the start of winter and I burn a lot of candles from now till spring time so this should be a fun night to party and also buy some candles!   We usually have a party every fall but this time we took the year off.  Its fun to have a party as you get a % of sales so if you do well you can get a bunch of candles to last the year if you get a good turn out.  We love Party Lite candles too as they burn so nice and clean...We try others but they cost more and seem to smoke more than anything else.  So we are off to spend some money at our friends party and next fall we will have the fall candle party---we take turns.  It reminds me of my mother and her Tupperware parties....but instead its unisex and lots of food and drinks and the music pumps later so people start dancing!  I will try to take some pics and maybe post them...


  1. What? Candles? Are you gay?? Wow, I had no idea.

  2. Well that's a new one on me but sounds interesting. If it would just turn cool/cold here I might consider burning a candle but they put out too much heat.;) Don't start drinking and spend too much.

  3. I'm with Lewis ... very gay! Give me tupperwear anyday!
