Monday, November 10, 2008

A National Protest
I know we will be doing this on Saturday. I do hope you all do the same if you can in your areas.


If you've been watching our brothers and sisters protesting the passage of Prop 8 in California wishing that there was something you could do to help, there is: A group called Join The Impact is planning a national protest against Prop 8, organizing simultaneous rallies on the steps of City Halls all over the country from Mobile, Alabama to Laramie, Wyoming on Saturday, November 15th at 10:30 a.m. PST/1:30 p.m. EST.

While the passage of Prop 8 is getting the most press, it should be noted that this protest is also being held to rally against Arizona's Prop 102 and Florida's Prop 2, both of which banned gay marriage, as well as the Arkansas Adoption Ban, which prevents unwed couples from adopting children.

Visit to find the protest nearest you, and if you don't see your city listed, round up a few friends to serve as organizers, and ask the group to add it to the list.
Citing the Stonewall Riots of 1969, which marked the birth of the gay rights movement, Join The Impact urges us all to come together again to show the nation that we are "one loud voice that needs to be heard."
"We won’t solve everything in one protest, but we will fuel the fire to a conversation that can not be silenced! If we stop talking about equality for all, then we will lose the battle. If we allow others to stop talking about it, then we will lose. Hate is not the lack of love, it’s the fear of that which we do not know. This protest along with many others gives us the chance to build on the conversation and educate the masses," a statement on the site reads. "It’s very simple: Infiltrate, Educate, and STOP HATE!"

I'm in. How about you? We need to show the rest of America we are tired of being treated like second-class citizens


  1. jeff and i will be fighting the Richmond Marathon to get to City Hall here.... we are in and i will take pictures and post them of course... my first protest!! whoo hooo!!!!

  2. You bet we'll be there, in Dover DE. I posted about this, too, today.

    Mark :-)
