Friday, November 07, 2008

Rain Rain and more rain
The Pineapple Express!

We have had so much rain in the last 24 plus hours! It has not stopped and it isnt a drizzle but a steady downpour.....I am ready to build an ark... The pouring rain is the result of the "Pineapple Express" weather pattern, named for the storms' origins near Hawaii. The jet stream has dipped far to the south and tapped into that warm, tropical moisture. So another very wet day is on tap for Western Washington as a second storm rolls in on the heels of one that brought several inches of rain to the mountains and lowlands. Seattle already has more rain in the past day than it received in all of October. Flood Warnings remain in effect. As of last evening, storm totals were already running between 2.50 and 3.00" along the north coast. In the lowlands, storm totals were about 1.50" to 2.50" as of 4 am., including the Puget Sound area. Hourly rainfall totals have been as high as a quarter to a third of an inch an hour.


  1. You know what's odd is that we've had some rain, but not nearly what you guys are having., if you want to come down to dry out, feel free!

  2. We're building an ark.

  3. Anonymous10:28 PM

    i know how you feel. im just below you in pdx. But im in seattle this weekend. what are you doing?


    aka princessa lil mexico

  4. I had to go to a lame class for work in the U district last thursday when all it did was pour and of course i was bussing, i got soaked and it totally sucked. However back home where I am from it is like 25 degrees and ice storms with snow so I am taking it with a grain of slat, lol!

  5. Houston is in day 4 of rain but not all that much out my way. It's weird watching the news and seeing flooding just 30 miles away. I've seen all the fronts coming in the NW. Hang in there. Would you rather have snow?

  6. Hello? You live in SEATTLE!!!

    Mark :-)
