Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Big Girl LOLA
Today is Lolas first official groom and haircut.....she is such the sweetie and I hope she behaves-- She is such the wiggy worm when it comes to baths so it might be a challenge to the groomer. She hates the water being splashed on her in the beginning to get her wet and then at the end for the rinse cycle......but doesn't seem to mind the shampoo part or the blow dry.......she just hates the water part.......she runs around the tub like a crazy dog and its quite funny! She then has a Friday apt for her "fix" with the vet.....Poor little dear! I know she will hate that! So will I.....She is so little! She really has turned into quite the little gem and we are glad she is part of our family. She has been at home with us for about 5 months now and she gets along super with the other 2 kids and they all have such a good time...She keeps them on their toes! Lola has such a sweet disposition...I think she takes after me.....


  1. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Sounds like little Lola takes after her Daddy Jeff.

  2. Our dog hates having a bath, and tries to escape from the bathtub. We have her bathed at the kennel when we board her a few times a year. What a treat it is for Spouse not to have to do it then.

    Mark :-)

  3. Anonymous11:57 PM

    What a cutie pie!

    If you should want to get rid of her rusty tear stains, Google "Angel Eyes" a food supplement that really works.

