Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Recap
Quad Riding in the snow and weeeeee for Wii

How is your Christmas celebrations going?  We are having a good one and I am glad we are off till Monday!  Here's a short recap before I head out the door to do some Xmas bargain shopping today!  X-mas eve was our traditional eve with my family and my sisters and bro and all of our hubbys and my nephews and nieces... We had truly great time and it was so special to all be together for the holiday....My mom was so happy and that was the main present to see her smile all night long...   Yesterday/Christmas day was a nice quiet day as we hung out at the house with the kids all day and exchanged gifts and gave our kids their presents.....So fun to watch the dogs open up the stockings...they then enjoy the bones and toys all day long.  Mama cat got some new toys and a new bed and is in fact glued to her new bed and has not wanted to get out of it it since receiving it from Santa yesterday.  She is an outdoor cat but has been in house this whole week due to the cold weather.  She and the dogs all sleep together and its so damm cute!

Last night we went to my sisters for Christmas day dinner as she and her BF Tony were making a big prime rib dinner and they wanted his and hers families to meet and so hosted dinner this year....What a great time we had!  They live in Renton not far from us and it was snowing all day here and there but it was snow o rama there as they are so close the mountains and passes.... I am glad we were able to even get there!  They have about 2 feet of the white stuff!   She and her BF Tony have a nice set up and he was able to snow plow an area for us as he has a bunch of tractor and such....lets just say he has LOTS of toys and all that---Good times!  We sat around the fireplace/pit in the snow-- danced and listened to live music as his family and friends are all musically gifted and they jammed on the electric guitar, drums, keys, etc-  we had live x mas music!   We all went out and took the quads out in the in the snow and I  tried not to scream too much around all the butch boys as we flew around in the snow!  Ate drank and was merry all evening!  The other highlight was being introduced to the Wii game system.......we haven't had the opportunity to play it yet and we had a great time playing that as well!   We all kept saying Weeeeeeeee for Wii.....and now the hubby really wants one....I do think I got a Wii injury though --- I woke up with a sore neck? and arm!   It was that or the quad riding.......oh well!  It was all so worth it!     Hope your Holiday is going well too!  :-)   Weeeee!!!


  1. Sounds like you had a fun and memorable holiday. Enjoy your time off!!!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas! You're lucky to have a white one.
