Wednesday, December 03, 2008

The Hubby has been on my case to get the Christmas lights up for a couple of weeks now. They are up now and for some reason I am getting the silent treatment.....

Seriously though saw this and had to laugh....I don't know why but usually I have Christmas all up and decorated by the weekend after Thanksgiving. I just don't seem to be in the mood at all this year which is a very strange for me and a first as I am such a spaz when it come to holiday decor! Hubby did put the lights around the roof of the house over the weekend--some snazzy multi colored led looks like a rainbow-- how appropriate huh? but that is all we have done........I think we may do a little bit this weekend but really not nearly as much as we normally do. Do we have to do a tree? Im not sure I want to go through the trouble....I am just not in the spirit to haul all of it out and then due to the short window it will seem like we put it up and then it comes right back down since we are only 3 weeks shy of the holiday... Boy.... something is wrong when I don't want to decorate... I think I need a decor intervention from someone....Does any of you know Preston from Top Design? Send him over ..I bet he can somehow persuade me to get cracking with the x-mas spirit and revive my spirits....


  1. You light up my life. And my front porch, too. I know exactly how you feel with minimal inspiration this year. Ugh.

  2. We put up our tree this past Sunday. This Sunday we're tackling the lights. I'm sure the Christmas spirit will sneak in when you least expect it. HAVE A YUMMY DAY!!!

  3. Hahahahaha! A job well done. :)

  4. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Funny pic!

    I still miss Tom Felicia from Queery Eye. He was the only one that really seemed to do anything. He would work miracles with decor in an hour while the other ones shopped for a tie and bought a bottle of wine or something :)

  5. I think a lot of people's holiday spirit has been dampened by the difficult economic situation. Lay offs, feeling the need to save money for a future lay off, and worry over friends/family members' employment can all weigh us down and make us feel like we don't want to do those holiday things we usually enjoy.

    Chin up, and decorate!!!

    Mark :-)
