Monday, December 15, 2008

Its Colder Than A Witches Tit In A Brass Bra 
in Seattle this week......

So It hasn't been this cold in the Pacific Northwest in 18 years and we are breaking all the records with this deep freeze we are currently freezing our buns off in........We had a big snow this last weekend and that has now turned into solid ice on the roads- highways and on my house......We are pretty much encased in ice in Seattle..... So we boys are fricken cold over here fellas!!  And yes I know some of you live in this kind of cold during the winter may be laughing at me but this is really unusual for us.....Brrrrrr!!   I really need some heat and it doesn't look like any warmth is on the forecast anytime soon...  Anyone find long johns sexy? Maybe I should post a pic of me in them as that is the wardrobe and outfit choice of the week that's for sure! 


  1. Ditto for Portland.

  2. That is not bad at all. I grew up in Wisconsin with regular non-windchill temps of 20 and 30 below.

  3. Do your long johns have that little flap over the butt? No, I guess that's more of a union suit. Still, long, boxer or brief, I'll never say no to underwear pics! :)

    Stay warm.

  4. same here in pdx. But i'll be leaving soon! take it easy in seattle

  5. Yes ... no sympathy here. It is 3pm, 23 degrees (feels like 13), and snowing...

    Whaaaa! ;)

  6. Yesterday it was 72 degrees; today it was 34. The weather has been yo-yo'ing all week. Now you understand why I'm sick.

  7. If it makes you feel better---it was only 70 today in Orlando...wait...

    I guess me rubbing your nose in my weather makes ME feel better...

    All is right in the world.

