Monday, January 05, 2009

Anniversary Vacation
Can you believe the hubby and I met 12 years ago this month!!!! Golly Gee Willikers!!!! We were friends for a few months and then did the nasty later and so we actually celebrate our anniversary in March. The picture above was taken on I believe our 3rd anniversary while on a Caribbean cruise in Barbados. Ahhhhhh such good times! We were in the South Pacific last year for our 11th anniversary and it was a biggie since we skipped our 10th. We really have been trying to be good and frugal and very sensitive to the/our current economic situation and such but we are so wanting and due for a vacation! We have been pretty good about spending and I think we should do it as rates for travel are quite low right now so we have decided to maybe just maybe if the stars and moon and such line up correctly. We just maybe able to head out for a beach at the end of the month. We being the beach and sun gods we are think our second home Hawaii and or Mexico sounds perfect right now for a quick beach/sun getaway....Plus with these destinations we wont be pay a bundle to do so.....Pray for us that it all works out! We need to get the hell out of this snow and rainy dodge! I am going to work on it and see if we can swing it.


  1. Golly gee willikers???? I haven't heard that in MANY YEARS. We're at almost 12 years too. Hell, we're getting old. Happy happy days to you!

  2. I know what you mean. Spouse & I have been dreaming of a European vacation for a few years now, but really couldn't afford it with all our rental properties and moving to a new house. When we sold our most expensive place in Sept I thought we'd finally go on our big trip, but the economic situation has once again convinced us to hang onto our money. Maybe one day!!!

  3. Keeping my fingers crossed that you'll be able to treat yourselves to either Hawaii or Mexico.

  4. aww congrats!! i hope to that what you and your hubby have one day! Keep up the good work!

  5. Happy Anniversary, and many happy more

    The Hubby and I celebrated our 11th anniversary this past NYE by gettin hitched!

    We always find that a cruise is the best deal of a vacation for us. Took 4 short ones last year not sure what this year will bring.

  6. Congrats. My husband and I are going on our 8th. It's insane-- in a good way-- how fast time flies.

  7. How cute are you two! Inspirational!

  8. Ahhhh it is cloudy and turning cooler and I'm wishing it would snow. I know you've had enough though.(I like the snow pics below)Well I've been to the islands twice, Maui last time, and I've never been disappointed. I have issues with Mexico so I'm praying for you a Pacific vacation.
