Thursday, January 22, 2009

On Our Way Back Home!!!
Hawaii Here We Come!

We are going to what we both consider our other home-or hope to call home one day soon in the future! So its booked and we are very excited! We leave next Saturday the 31st and will be flying back the following Saturday on the 7th! We are so very happy to be going back home to Honolulu! This will however be our shortest trip back home and we both are a little sad about it only being a week, but its still going to be great to get away to get some beach in along with some R and R and also great island eats! We usually stay at a beach house and partial time at a semi-upscale hotel- but this time we are trying to be more frugal and found the air at a steal and the hotel we booked has some good reviews a good rate and a super location so we booked it- it is called the Waikiki Circle- the arrow on the pic above is the property. Pretty good eh? We don't have alot of time on this trip home but of course will squeeze in seeing the family as well. Ours days are usually spent 1/2 day at a beach somewhere on the island either in the am or pm and then the other 1/2 doing our running around and doing visits.... Here are some of the things we will be doing....

Drinks at the Royal Hawaiian Mai Tai Bar in the evening when we do stay in town for the night is a must. It will be nice to see the bartenders that know us so well....It is true Hawaiian ALOHA that they remember us year after year-- even if we are away for a few they always remember us and what we drink! We usually head out to the boy bar HULAS after we have a few drinks at the palace....

We will be eating here a few times--RAINBOWS!!! Having Hawaiian style plate lunches! I grew up right around the corner from Rainbows on Date Street in Kapahulu and this will actually be the first place and the last place we most like will eat when we visit.

Lanikai Beach-- One of our favorite stops when we visit the Windward side of the island...Lovely!

Koolina--we will spend a few afternoons at this property/beach when we are on the Leeward Side of the island-- its one of our favorite places to relax and read in the sun and swim....we love the lagoons and since we have so much friends and family that live in this area of the island ( I grew up a hop skip and jump down the street) we will be able to visit with them as well-we will invite the kids to join us for the day and maybe have a day at the beach!

Leonards Bakery- Another stop one day for some malasadas! This is an old Portuguese bakery that my granny and I would visit often...Alot of my Birthday cakes came from good old Leonards bakery growing up!
We will go out for Okazu-ya while we are back home at a few places- but one of my favorite and fondest memories is getting okazu from Sekiyas growing up-This is somewhere we went to so often. We will make sure to go in and grab bentos and have some saimin like the old days! Delish! This place is right across the street from my mom and dads high school Kamuki High....

One day we will take a drive around the island-- Stop at Chinamans Hat at Kualoa Point....if you look in the distance you can also see turtle island.... This is one thing we do always....Take a drive and circle the island stopping at favorite places and such....I used to do this with my family growing up....good times!

We will do some shopping at the Aloha Stadium Swap Meet-- We will be able to pick up some great stuff..... We may pop in a few times-- Sunday morning and Wednesday morning...Pikc up some new goods......
We will also spend a day at our favorite beach- Waimea Bay-- Unless of course the monster surf is in...then we will be watching the surfers....I know the last few weeks have seen some big ass waves! Like 30 feet and bigger! YIKES!!! No boogie boarding for me here....
We will eat at Zippys-- its like the McDonald's of Hawaii and most are open 24 hours! Plate Lunches, Bentos and Zip Pacs! And the famous Chili and Fried Chicken!

So we will have to make sure to take long walks and such on the beach as food consumption is quite high when I go home! I will need to diet when I get back!


  1. I'm so jealous!!! I've never been to Hawaii. I would love to live near the ocean. It has to be the Filipino blood in me.

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Bring me back some nuts


  3. Hawaii has got to be the most beautiful island(s) on earth. Those pictures you posted were actually therapy for me. I felt like I WAS THERE.

    Thanks for sharing bro.


  4. Color Scooter JEALOUS!

  5. Oh, I am SO jealous. Have a great time, boys.

  6. Take some great videos there. And pick me up something nice. My birthday is coming up!

    Have fun...

  7. you better go or i'll go in your place
