Tuesday, February 24, 2009

2,000 Dumb Fucks oppose civil unions
In Hawaii

Didnt anyone of these people see Sean Penns Speech or Oprah yesterday? In any event the battles will be won! And we will prevail one day soon! And it will get better-- in time and that time is very soon people!

In a turnout that surprised even event organizers, more than 2,000 people representing dozens of local churches, temples, synagogues and mosques descended on the state Capitol yesterday to protest a bill that would establish civil unions between same-sex partners. 2,000 people rallied at Hawaii's state capitol yesterday in opposition to a civil union bill that is making its way through the legislature.

House Bill 444 passed the House earlier this month. The measure is in jeopardy of dying in the Senate Judiciary and Government Operations Committee with potential swing vote Sen. Robert Bunda (D-22nd North Shore, Wahiawa) announcing that he would vote against it. However, state Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, D-21st (Nanakuli, Makaha) has said she would consider recalling the bill from committee, with agreement from committee chairman state Sen. Brian Taniguchi D-10th (Manoa, McCully), to bring the bill to the full Senate. Protesters said yesterday that they wanted to send Hanabusa and other legislators a clear cautionary message before any such decision is made. 'I think this is awesome,' said former state Rep. Dennis Arakaki, who heads the Hawai'i Family Forum, a nonprofit group that opposes same-sex marriage, civil unions and other legal recognition of same-sex couples. The forum worked with a broad network of local churches to organize the demonstration...Demonstrators clad in bright red filled the first level of the Rotunda and spilled out across the surrounding lawns. Some took up positions around the block, holding signs that read 'No Civil Union,' 'Destroy the Core of 444,' 'We Sed No Already' and 'Turn to Jesus or Burn in Hell.' Most packed tight around a stage set up in the middle of the Rotunda, where leaders from several different faiths exhorted listeners to call their legislators and submit testimony in opposition to the bill."
The bill is expected to be taken up tomorrow by the Senate Judiciary and Government Operations Committee:
"State Sen. Robert Bunda, who was the potential swing vote on the Senate Judiciary and Government Operations Committee, said he plans to vote against the bill that would give same-sex partners the same rights as married couples under state law. The bill, which passed the House earlier this month, could die in the Senate committee without Bunda's support. But Senate leaders, who favor the bill, may take the rare step of circumventing the committee to bring the bill to the full Senate."

They need to wake up and smell the KONA Coffee!


  1. Yeah, but that 100% Kona coffe is WAY EXPENSIVE. And speaking of dumb fucks, I see that the new head of the Republican party is still in the dark ages:


  2. Anonymous1:54 PM

    This makes me so sad- for the most part every one I've ever met from Hawaii has been pretty exceptiing of others regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, religon, etc.

  3. Heteros are so miserable in their own boring relationships that they can't find it possible to share that. I mean, after all... these 20 year old hetero couples have such sacred unions.

    Those 2000 people are a small minority of freaks.


  4. It is rather sad but we must have hope.
