Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Guess Who?
When did this boy bander get kinda hot? He is off drugs and living a healthy lifestyle now. All I can say is good for him! He looks great! He looks so fresh and different! Bravo! Answer here....


  1. Anonymous8:23 AM

    NO WAY!!!!

    As a blond, he never really did anything for me anyway, but wow...what a change!

  2. WOW! says I! Couldn't believe Nick cleaned himself up. Sad to hear that he has heart problems...maybe some clean living and a whole lotta lovin' will help. Any volunteers?

  3. Holy crap. That's Nick?

    Invasion of the body snatchers.

    Amazing what happens when you live toxic-free. Good for him, even though I couldn't give two shits about the jizerk.

    Besos RAD baby!!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. OH mY!!!I didnt recognized him!he looks so diffrent and so hottt!

    im glad he's ok now and looking good too

  6. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Believe it or not, I did recognize him in that photo. I even thought he was hot with his long blond hair...
