Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I have been really thinking it may be time to end the blog.....It is over 3 years old now and I am burned out on it for many reasons......I have decided instead that maybe a break would do me some good.....So I have decided to take a hiatus.......It will give me time to reflect and decide what I want to do about this blog and such.....It may be a long hiatus or it maybe even a short one......I just know I need to recharge and get back to being more into this whole thing again before I can keep it up....I will still be visiting your blogs when I can and please do keep in touch via e mail while I am on hiatus.... xoxoxox Rad


A Lewis said...

Haitus is one thing. A break is one thing. But don't stop. I always encourage people to review what works, what doesn't....adapt it, change it, make it work for you. I mean, it's such a cool technology! Stay in touch....cause I'm gonna beat your butt if you don't!

Anonymous said...

As one who also took a break (a short one), I completely get it. Take as long as you need, but don't disappear!

MAC said...

Enjoy your break, you'll be missed!!!

Anonymous said...

You will be missed! Go recharge and do what you have to...

Mark in DE said...

You deserve a hiatus, so take one and enjoy. When you're ready, come back and give us something entertaining to read and something juicy to look at!

Scooter said...

Relax, refresh, reappear.

Rick said...

Disappointing but I certainly understand. Sometimes I feel as though I've bitten off more than I can chew. Enjoy your time away and come back with a renewed interest.

Alternative said...

Typical i discover and interesting blog i like and they stop blogging.
I shall keep coming back and checking in case you start again.
I have had the same burn out myself and returned so hopefully you will to.

Princessa lil mexico said...

it's ok boo boo bear! i miss you!

Unknown said...

Understood, I do the hiatus thing as well, sometimes I just feel uninspired. Mine is 4 years old now, I do hope you come back though cuz ya rock Rad!

Eddie said...

I took a "hiatus" for over a year and I NEEDED it badly. Blogging can become really mundane if you're not inspired to write.

I hope you make it back RAD. I just recently came back from my stint and now you're leaving?? (it's all about me you know... lol).

Besitos until you return.

Anonymous said...

Have a hiatus a. have a yacht.. .whatever please you the most Darling

larry said...

take a break! but don't go away forever!!! maybe cut back on postings. will see you on facebook.