Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I have been really thinking it may be time to end the blog.....It is over 3 years old now and I am burned out on it for many reasons......I have decided instead that maybe a break would do me some good.....So I have decided to take a hiatus.......It will give me time to reflect and decide what I want to do about this blog and such.....It may be a long hiatus or it maybe even a short one......I just know I need to recharge and get back to being more into this whole thing again before I can keep it up....I will still be visiting your blogs when I can and please do keep in touch via e mail while I am on hiatus.... xoxoxox Rad


  1. Haitus is one thing. A break is one thing. But don't stop. I always encourage people to review what works, what doesn't....adapt it, change it, make it work for you. I mean, it's such a cool technology! Stay in touch....cause I'm gonna beat your butt if you don't!

  2. Anonymous8:27 AM

    As one who also took a break (a short one), I completely get it. Take as long as you need, but don't disappear!

  3. Enjoy your break, you'll be missed!!!

  4. Anonymous2:29 PM

    You will be missed! Go recharge and do what you have to...

  5. You deserve a hiatus, so take one and enjoy. When you're ready, come back and give us something entertaining to read and something juicy to look at!

  6. Relax, refresh, reappear.

  7. Disappointing but I certainly understand. Sometimes I feel as though I've bitten off more than I can chew. Enjoy your time away and come back with a renewed interest.

  8. Typical i discover and interesting blog i like and they stop blogging.
    I shall keep coming back and checking in case you start again.
    I have had the same burn out myself and returned so hopefully you will to.

  9. it's ok boo boo bear! i miss you!

  10. Understood, I do the hiatus thing as well, sometimes I just feel uninspired. Mine is 4 years old now, I do hope you come back though cuz ya rock Rad!

  11. I took a "hiatus" for over a year and I NEEDED it badly. Blogging can become really mundane if you're not inspired to write.

    I hope you make it back RAD. I just recently came back from my stint and now you're leaving?? (it's all about me you know... lol).

    Besitos until you return.

  12. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Have a hiatus a. have a yacht.. .whatever please you the most Darling

  13. take a break! but don't go away forever!!! maybe cut back on postings. will see you on facebook.
