Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I was thinking today......
So..... its been over a month on this hiatus.....and its been a very nice break! I just wonder if I should come back you know? I was so bored with it and so busy with so many things when I decided to take a break. And to be honest at the time I thought ok enough is enough!! This is the end.....I am sick of it!

But its a new day and today I am bored! Bored bored bored..... super fucking bored! Its one of those days I wish I could keep busy and find something to do.....And so I come to my old blog....I could be posting some hot guy on my blog ( what I like to call my scrapbook at times-- this blog of mine) like this hot dude pictured--Ernesta Juodis----I mean look at this guy---oh my Fricken god!!! He is a major hunk of burning love in my book! Or I could be talking about TV shows like Make me a Supermodel and Celebrity Apprentice and NY Housewife's-- or how I wish the sun would come out as my ass is sick of this cold and wants a good workout....I mean my yard and garden needs a good workout from me and some sun....oops!! Yes Im still naughty...that hasnt changed.....How Easter was quiet with just the folks and the hubby....how we had a small dinner and cocktail party on Saturday night and had friends over and had out of town PDX blogger join us and so got to meet in person sweet stud Derek and his BF John.....or how I wish I was a sex slave and I got to take.........ok maybe that is TMI.....But its so true-- I think I need to come back and post when needed....I need the outlet big time ....this or.......so I think I may start posting again every now and then....hope you like my return to the blogsphere! Rad is BACK!
Nothing like a man in white briefs! Classic HOT!!


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM


  2. Thx Kev!!! Arnie--I guess I returned a little more raunchier! he he he

  3. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Welcome back!!

  4. glad your back and see you soon sweetie!



  5. nice blog. Please saty with us. Also if you want to be a sex slave. I think I could tame that hot picture of you.


  7. You can return to blogging without feeling obligated to post everyday. With that said, thanks for the delicious-looking eye candy!

  8. How great that he has kept some of the hair on his chest!
