Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Celebrity Apprentice
Go Joan and Jessie!
Is anyone else watching the Celebrity Apprentice? I have watched some of the previous seasons but it has never caught my attention much.....But for some reason this season with Joan Rivers on it has ......thanks to the DVR of course......I am sorta hooked on it! I am rooting for Jessie James and of course Joan.....I am not too happy as it seems to now be about WHOM can raise the most money due to there celebrity status- that's a bunch of Huey! Has that always been the premise? In any event I cant wait to next weeks episode as it seems Joan is going to go off and get ballistic on Annie and Brandie....I so love me a good bitch cat fight! As far as I am concerned Annie a big time major snatcholla and Brandies a waste of space...Let em have it Joan!!!


  1. Not watching, but I do like Joan Rivers.

  2. AMEN SISTER!!! Next to American Idol, The Celebrity Apprentice is one of the most entertaining shows. Up to this point I've enjoyed Joan, but now after seeing her on TCA, I'm a full fledged fan. LOVE IT!!!

  3. I usually don't watch, but Joan is the reason I am watching as well. Well, her and Jesse James. :-)

  4. I just literally stumbled upon you...oops...and I am watching and DRAT for Jesse getting booted. So hot. So manly.

    I love this show. GO JOAN!
