Friday, May 15, 2009

Its been a rough week...
TGIF..Its Luau Time!

Rough week....Mom was admitted to the hospital as she was really sick and could hardly walk on Tuesday...we spent Moms day with her on Sunday and we could tell she was having a hard time...Long story short she had pneumonia --it is due to all her chemo and radiation and this sometimes happens when you immune system is pretty much wiped out from cancer treatments....She was rushed via ambulance and admitted on Tuesday.....she is recovering well-- thank heavens! I am happy as it could of been much worst as at first they thought it maybe a pulmonary embolism which would of been not so good...Needless to say its been a busy and exhausting week indeed and I am so happy its Friday.....

So today is the littlest member of our familys first b day! Lola is 1 today! We took her in for a nice haircut yesterday afternoon and she looks so darn cute...and like most one year old's in Hawaiian tradition.... we will have a luau for her tomorrow....She is still a smalley at about 9-10 lbs or so..... I will try to get a b day pic of her to post over the weekend!

Lola arrived home at 3 months ( Aug 08)
Last Month-- A close up with her long hair dew...he he

With her braddah and sister-- they are going to whoop it up at the luau tomorrow night!


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    feel better soon, mama rad!

  2. Hang in there man.
    These pictures are too precious.

  3. Love the pics with the pup!
    I am sending white light to yout Mom!!!
    Best wishes from Portland.

  4. Glad to hear your mother is improving, despite the hospital visit. Happy birthday to Lola!
