Monday, May 18, 2009

What a Yawn....

I had a hard time getting out of bed this morning as It was a kinda rough weekend. Well maybe I should say it was really more busy then I am dead tired today! I keep yawning and nodding off..... I need to go get some caffeine......We had Lolas 1st Birthday BBQ on Saturday night and she enjoyed her celebration and really loved all her new toys! She has been carrying them around and her new fave toy is this little tennis ball with a spider outfit on it.......she is so darn cute as she loves each and every toy she gets...its quite entertaining! Saturday day I had to get a bunch of sod put in and that was a bit labor intensive! I am glad I had allot of cocktails on Saturday night to help with aches and pains later that I was super stiff! Old age is a bummer man that's for sure! We also had allot going on with mom and spent all day yesterday in the hospital.

So I really wanted to stay home in bed today when that damm alarm went off at 445am this morning! But I was a good boy and made it in to work..... Now this below would of made me stay in bed all day for sure! I am so crushing on this guy! Man..... I am boy crazy these days!


  1. I felt exactly the same way this morning!

    Thanks for adding me to your Blog Roll!

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Yes, Monday was a yawn. Granted, it's now Tuesday and I'm not feeling much different. Friday is coming!

  3. I had trouble getting up Mon morning too.
