Friday, May 08, 2009

Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels
aka Mayor McCheese
I had to laugh today when I came across a comment someone made calling our Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels..... Mayor McChesse....Maybe I am just a silly wabbit but he does remind me of Mayor McCheese! LOL! I like Greg.. he has been a ok Mayor..... And I think he is going to get lucky with a third term as I don't think anyone else fits the bill right now for the job...

Mayor Greg Nickels: Not so popular ... but is he beatable? More about Mayor here-


  1. Mayor McCheese...LOL

    Our Mayor here in NYC reminds me of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons...

    I swear it... look him on on google.

    His name is Mayor Bloomberg.


  2. Maybe we should call him Mayor Pickles...
