Monday, June 15, 2009

Like my Flower Pot?

Took this pic on Sat my flower pot? I do notice I need to work on my summer tan...I think this is the lightest I have been in any summer! I am happy to give my skin some rest from the harmful effects of the sun.....But man I am "Shark Bait".....that's what we used to call the fair skinned folks back in Hawaii... Maybe I need to go get a spray tan at least....Isn't the pot coming along nice? I started it with all little starts in April.... and with this nice weather it is just going nutso! How gay is this with me and my flowers? I know very!! he he he -- One below is me chilling after a long day in the yard and a few strong cocktails!


  1. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Great photos! I guess I'd be considered Shark Bait too. I don't have much luck getting anything like a suntan. On my cruise I got a little golden, but not much. I was thrilled!

  2. Shark bait? Oh boy. I'm gonna have fun with that one.

  3. Such a beautiful site.....the flower pot is pretty too!

  4. i am naturally tan! I never have to worry. You always look good. Can't wait to see ya soon!

  5. My friends keep big pots of pansies on their front porch.

    But when people walk by and say, "Look at the pansies!" they're never sure if they're talking about the flowers or about them!

  6. I like the light 'stache/goatee! Your pot o' flowers are purty too.

  7. The flowers are beautiful. If they were here they would have a slight yellow hue to them from this heat.
    You look hot enough without a tan. I bet your bottom if just perfect so no tanning.
