Friday, June 05, 2009

Lookout Weekend Cause Here I Come..
Because Weekends Were Made for FUN!
We have been enjoying a sunny few weeks in Seattle---Yes WEEKS! I know shut up!! The last few days it even hovered around 90 degrees!! Hot! And they say we can maybe expect a sunny weekend in the 70's... Nice!

So here is my fave look to sport when the weather is fine and dandy....I love to put on a cute tank, some faves are a few I picked up at Old Navy that are a bit longer then this fellas-- but I do wear short trunk when I hit the beach or lake...No surf trunks for me-- Unless I go to some breader function.... and of course a fave pair of slippahs! (what I believe you all call flip flops). My hubby and I own about 15 pairs each...yes each....LOL.....It reminds me of Hawaii when I get to run around town like this! So comfortable!

I do hope you all have a great weekend! We have no plans really....Maybe some yard work...go see mother....Have a few cocktails....Go to the farmers market....BBQ....Just chill! So lookout weekend cause here I cum! he he he.....


  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Glad to hear you've been having great weather! We've had beautiful weather here in Minneapolis too. This weekend we are supposed to get some rain. We need it SO bad. Things are so dry! Enjoy the weekend!

  2. no hot weather here yet! what happened to global warming?

  3. Did you say "cute"? Hehehe. I'm afraid all of my cute has left the room. As for flips, I'm totally in love....a FETISH, I may even admit. I only have two pair.

  4. Wow... sun in Seattle? Savor it RAD. I can imagine what it feels like to have constant overcast day after day without a peek of sunshine.

    Enjoy the weekend bro.


    PS. That guy is hot. Hard to concentrate on what he's wearing...

  5. i think i have 15-20 pairs of flip flops. a fetish???

  6. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Breader function! LOL
