Thursday, June 18, 2009

Summer Covers....
Love the summertime...Lots of mag covers of hot boys and men in our new stands....thought I would share a few that caught my attention last night while at the grocery store. I didn't use the express lane as I picked the longest line with the lady who had her cart piled high with shit and a runny nosed kid in the front seat...she also paid with food stamps....BONUS time! It was perfect as I was able to thumb through them and check out all the pretty pics....he he he....Ryan Reynolds on the top with his hard bod and cute as ever Chance Crawford below.

Ruuuum ruuum ruuum.....Love the motorcycle look....such a pretty boy! Good lord!


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Isn't Ryan Reynold amazing. He is so hot and sexy. And yet adorable. I would love to meet him!

  2. I love Ryan Reynolds! He is so dreamy!!! i just melt!!!

  3. I know!
    & the 4 covers of Ryan on EW!
    As your blog! Really!

    My two cents:

  4. May have to check out the Mag's isle. Normally do not go down on this isle, but may have to check.

  5. The People Issue was amazing! I actually sat and read the articles..and then of course drooled all over the pictures. LOL
