Thursday, June 04, 2009

Taylor Lautners Big Bottle
Glaceau Vitamin Water Rules!

So part of me getting fit and all that nonsense to shed some weight was to give up/cut back all the sodas and switch to water. So I was drinking my Propel and fruit juices as I HATE plain water-- I have to be as thirsty as a camel to enjoy water and it has to be ice cold and something like Dasani brand (Sorry no cheapo brands for me as I think they taste like chlorine) Then mother told me about Vitamin Water.......WOW! I love it! They are yummy and I like alot of the flavors! Its been my savior to stop the Cokes and Pepsi's

Now this is something Mr David Dust brought to my attention today.... I still think the Twilight Boys are taking over the world as per my post yesterday but I had to post this pic of Taylor Lautner.....Looks like he likes these vitamins waters too! His bottle looks yummy! I want to take a sip off his big bottle! Told you I love the stuff! I just cant get enough! he he he

Click to Enlarge you'll see what I mean


  1. Yep, that water is working beautifully on him.

  2. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Um . . . yeah . . . I see what you mean. HAHA. Hopefully when he worked out he was wearing something tighter. And after his shower he just slipped on these sweats. Yumm.

  3. LMAO. I must admit, I'm a Twilight fan. I absolutely find Edward's love for Bella amazing. If everyone loved with that amount of intensity and passion, this world would be a beautiful place...

    Twilight forever...

