Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Thoughts
Just loved the photo spread in this months OUT Magazine.... Called Wish You Were Here---they have some exclusive web shots too! It makes me want to jump in a hammock and relax in the nice summer breeze....So its only Tuesday--hurry up week! And its another sunny warm day in Seattle-- I think this is like the 30th day of no rain for us here....Very strange, but NO complaints! I am at the J-O-B.....Sales are picking up and I am happy people are starting to take vacations again...The sales climate has changed whereas they book closer in now and also EVERYONE wants a deal....Sometimes I have to deal with a travel agent from the depths of hell. I swear some of them think this is like swap meet or something these days where they you can wheel and deal....I cant wait for this to change......Had a bad day at work yesterday-- I started my day with a screaming bitch on telephone and ended my day with another screaming crotch on the telephone again!!! The middle of the day went well...TG! I told the hubby last night that I was sick of women-- well just bitchy ones!!! LOL I wish I could just slap bitchy girls...whack...shut the fuck up you bitch!! Sorry....but sometimes I can be kinda brutal and blunt. I am just so over the whole drama and bitch and insecurities that seems to go hand and hand with a lot of women.....I am sorry as I really don't mean to generalize but I am over it....I am sure if today is a good day with some sweet gals and nice ladies I will be all better...I have just been getting a bummer crop of the female race lately.....
Has any of you seen the new show Cake Boss? I love this new show...The cakes he designs and creates are awesome! Do check it out if you get a chance....Very fun show....It has only aired 2 or 3 episodes so far......Last night he had a bridezilla-- now she was a first class bitch....I wanted to slap her into another state....OK...... I think I need a break from most of the female race......LOL!

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