Thursday, July 16, 2009

Slowing Down
Running on Hawaiian Time

So work has been so busy and also home life still super busy for me.....The weather is still awesome as we are having yet another nice day in Seattle today--sunny and 80's!!! The weeks are flying by since I am so hectic and most weekend have been jammed with stuff and events to do. Cant seem to catch a breather....But we will be slowing down for the next 2 weeks as my dad is going home for a few weeks--Hawaii-- he has a class reunion which he is totally excited about-- his 45th- I believe.....he will get to spend time with my sisters and other family members back home in the islands. Hubby and I got a bunch of stuff for dad to take home--Trader Joe goodies ( they don't have these stores in Hawaii yet) and lots of Seattle Best,Tully and Starfucks Coffee...They love it and can getthe coffee...but its much more expensive back in Hawaii All of us here will be pulling together to help take care of mom while dad is away.......It will be good for dad as he needs a break.......So mom is doing better these days as she is home now and still recovering from a nasty bought of phenomena that she developed after her chemo and radiation treatments....She has to be on alot of oxygen and still has trouble getting around so she needs someone 24/7 .... so we all will have shifts and such to stay with her for the next 2 weeks....My sister works for the school district so she is day shift...My moms best friend is staying with her at nights and hubby and I have the weekends and are on call....I am hoping Mom gets better so I can at least take her home in the fall....Hubby and I want to take her home to the islands for one last time....I know and hope to god she gets well enough for us to take her back soon......So our vacation plans for fall has been canceled and is up in the air.... we were suppose to go to London.......and we have been invited to go on a Mexico Cruise......NYC vacation.......etc etc.....but its all on hold as I think its best to take mom home when she is able. It wil be nice for her and us.
So we will be running on Hawaiian time the next 2 weekends for sure......we are taking it easy bra on the weekends with my wonderful momma!

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