Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Time To Hit The Beaches Man!
Time to hit the beach! Thank god we have a ton of water surrounding us here! And they are all busy with some hot men and boys!- Eyegasims! Its 7am and its already a hot one! It reminds me of being back home in Hawaii as we even have that humidity which is very rare for the Northwest. Today will be the hottest day ever recorded in Seattle. Its like someone turned on the oven and we are baking. A few of us are waiting to rise still.....he he....I am keeping cool with our AC and the hardest part is making sure the doggies and plants are ok. I cant imagine not having forced air in our home for this. Some of my plants are taking a beating and I had to move as much as I can to shade and have been watering like crazy.... I need to take a picture though as the some flowers are exploding as its like they are all in a hot house! Best year ever for my lilly's and some other plants-- I have a banana tree that has gotten HUGE and our veggie garden is also going bonkers! Tomato mania and such but we need it to cool down or my plants may not make it. They need a break for sure and they say a cool down may happen this Fridayish-- It will be in the 80's..... The 80's? Hey that's like the new flannel weather for Seattle after this fricken heatwave.


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Great photo! I love the term "Eyegasms." I need to use that. haha.

    It's warm here too. Love it! This Sunday I'm heading to Las Vegas so that will be really hot. Probably too much.

  2. Friday down to the 80s? I'll be sure and bring along my jacket to cut the chill. Oh wait, I promised a naked night, didn't I? Hum....dilemma.....uncomfortable.....hum.....

  3. Get some sun for me, since I do not tan like the guys above. I would love some tempt in the 80's, since that is like our nighs down in Texas.
    Have a great day.
