Friday, July 24, 2009

Whats going on with you this weekend?
Do you remember your cut off denim shorts?
So remember the days of cut off denim shorts? Well maybe you don't...Some of you are too young anyhow.....or some of you may not want to remember it.....I will admit I had a pair of cutoff Levis that I wore up until about the year 2000... I wore them EVERY year at gay pride....It always seemed to get me the attention I liked if you know what I mean and the comments were always favorable...he he.....I guess I had the legs and crotch for them....anyhow this dude is a prime example on the plus a nice denim cut off short can do for a man! mmmmm mmmmm...

So I am so ready for the weekend. Hard week...Yesterday was crazy at work....They let go a co worker and now I am the last one in my position-- they told me they looked at our experience and that was how they based it and I have a lot of pluses and good background on based on how they want to restructure the sales staff they kept me as an asset....So my new title is sales and market coordinator--- My 3rd title/position in a year...... I am sad, happy, scared, excited and shocked....So I am in a strange place today....I will need this weekend to recharge and think about this crazy place. Hubby says to not worry... I try not too..... So do you think denim cut off shorts will ever come back for men? Or any denim shorts?....Like Wham used to wear? Those were fun too!


  1. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I don't know if short jeans shorts will ever come back. It's said that every thing does so who knows. Maybe at this time next year we'll all be taking a scissors to our favorite pair of jeans!

  2. Guilty as charged. I also wore cut offs, and now that I look back, they were a tad too short. I haven't worn denim shorts since the '90s. Will I ever wear them again? Been there, done that.

  3. I use to wear them in high school/early college, so short that the pockets hung lower than the pant. I did get some attention. I looked hot in them with my big red Afro. Good luck & best wishes with job stuff...these are difficult times.

  4. Do I ever remember them. Whew! I loved it when guys would cut them so short the pockets would hang lower.mmmmmmm

  5. I remember them well. and not on daisey duke either. that was the fastest way to get laid.

  6. Cut off Jean Shorts! wow! I have not thought about them in ages. Yep, I had a pair. I wish they would come back in style ( I hate those lower than the knee board shorts). Not that I would wear them now, but watching the boys in them would be great.

  7. Yes pumpkin, I remember my shorts very well....with the 1/4 inch inseam. And I also remember what happened to me in the park that night I was wearing them....and what happened afterwards in the basement of the building....and the sweaty basketball player....and and and

  8. I still think they're so sexy!!

  9. Anonymous5:31 PM

    As the Director of a very well known Designer denim brand I can tell you guys that yes... they are making a comeback! Here in NY lots of young guys are sporting them again (cut a few inches above the knee)...
    Look out for them in a bigger way next year!
