Friday, August 14, 2009

Giddy Up! The Weekend is Here!

Another FRIDAY is here...thank the lord! Its been a long and busy week and I am sure happy that it is almost OVER!!!! I have been as crazy as heck at work and then we have been busy with babysitting my sisters dog Chansum and the hamsters Rodney and Doolittle at home--Chansum has been ok but he is sorta stubborn to go out and do his biz and has also had a few accidents which is always a pain but for the most part hes a good dog......He walks out and pees on my planters on the patio and that drives me insane....I mean cant he walk a few feet into the grass? I will need to sanitize and clean like a madman after he is gone thats for sure. The Hamsters are no trouble but I am so glad I have a basement as they have a funny smell! I am so not into any small animals and the smell they tend to have so to me the basement sorta smells like a barn right now.....YUCK! I mean if I had a barn that would be ok for it to smell this way but my home isn't a barn. I am just not one to have a small caged animal in my home...I mean they poop and pee in the cage! That is one reason I was never into having a indoor cat also.....So basement will also need a major clean up when those buggers go home too..... Yes I am a total clean freak....its one of those things that I work on.......Yes I am so compulsive....I mean I even face my food in the cupboards and fridge! So having this go on in my house right now is bad for me as I don't sleep well and I am bit bit uncomfortable in my own home this week. It all kinda drives me bananas....I am working on changing and learning to relax about things but it is hard change.......

Weekend is here so I am glad as I can keep an eye on the pets...keep the house in order and clean up a bit.....Nothing really planned so that's always good. Trying to be a good boy and not spend money so I see a movie night at home tonite. Theres is a few flicks I want to see that were released on DVD.....The new Zac Efron movie is out on DVD-- I think its called 17 again...I would never go and see it in the movie theater but I will watch it for a $1.oo from RED BOX. I love Red Box! Plus he is always nice on the eyes....another movie out I would like to see is that remake of Witch Mountain.....with the ROCK.....did I ever mention that the Rock is a cousin of mine? Maybe have a few friends over for dinner and drinks tomorrow....Maybe tackle my garage and get that in order for a late summer garage sale later in the month....Maybe clean our closets out- they need it....But maybe just lounge around in my boxers and watch movies all weekend and eat Whoopers--Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts and drink milk shakes.....mmmm milk shakes!

Have a good weekend partners! Yee Haw!!!


  1. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Have a great weekend! This was a long week so I'm ready to relax!

  2. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. While you are resting and thinking about which new movie to watch. think of pooorrrr little ollle me wroking at the Hospt.
    Really I hope you have a wonderful and restful weekend

  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

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  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Hope you had a great weekend. I used to have hamsters as well- I know that smell!

    You're a cousin of the Rock? People say I look like him. Actually blogged about that-

