Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Wish-
Stay home with the kids!!

Man I hate Mondays! I wish I could just stay home with the kids and hang out today....I keep hoping to win that lottery so this wish can be fulfilled one day! I just hope this week is busy so it goes by fast! I am looking forward to the long holiday weekend that is coming up. It was a bus weekend more details when I get a moment....Hope you all have a nice week!~


  1. no, no no....come down here and go to the beach with me! That is, if the clouds burn off soon enough.

  2. WOOF with this boy holding his puppy. I wished I was at his house as well. WOOF on the boy.

  3. oh clouds.. we all have clouds. i will be up there for labor day! What are you doing?

  4. Anonymous4:12 AM

    Sooooooooooo looking forward to the long weekend. Good luck to you this week!

  5. Anonymous8:48 PM

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