Friday, September 25, 2009

Benefit Fundraiser- Tomorrow
We have the big benefit fundraiser tomorrow for my momma....We baked 200 cookies last night for the bake sale and I swear I can still smell the cookie bake smell on me! So alot to do today pick up raffles donations and set up most we can tonite and then an early start to start the cooking and set up of it all-- 6 Bands lined up and hula dancers as well....Tents/chairs and tables to set up...Raffle and bake sale to get going.....Phew! I am already tired! Wish us luck! I wonder how may people will show up-- I estimate about 200....I hope it isnt much bigger....We wont have enough food to sell.....


  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Great luck with the fundraiser! I hope it's a huge success!!

  2. I am envious of your energy and drive....and the desire to do right by Momma.....she's lucky to have you for a son. Sending along greetings for lots of success tomorrow. Hugs......
