Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am or was so not a Lady GA GA fan which already made me feel old as shes sorta a new Madge for the new generation....She a real shocker with all her hijinks's and such....Which seems to kinda works my nerves in my old age.......I do however enjoy her music. So I have to admit when I watched the VMAS on Sunday night--I was thoroughly amused....I had to chuckle when I saw her arrival get up above...... It made me giggle out loud...something about the head wear eye thing....Sorta superheroish and I thought it was funny but sorta cool....

Then she performed and it started up being very Victorian era...her dancers and get up was all that type of look. It sorta reminded me of the old Madonna Vogue performance from back in the day.....I thought ---here we go again!.....every things recycled....nothing is new. But then GaGa got going and by the end of the song she was bleeding and then ended the performance by hanging on a rope like a dead piece of meat....well that was....ahem.... different and original....Parents were shuddering everywhere...

Then I went to bed and saw this yesterday as her yet another wardrobe change for receiving her BEST NEW ARTIST VMA.....WTF? But have to admit I like it....well the whole look is funny yet intriguing....Love the whole look for some reason and the face thing and crown? Funny! Shes strange.

Then I guess this is some after show look and her party look later....not to find of this one .....but gotta admit she makes me laugh and smile. So maybe I am not so old after all! I seem to enjoy this odd bird...Music and now her wackiness......
Now I maybe be putting myself on a limb and it just maybe due to all the drugs I did in the 1980's but she sorta reminds me and looks like Carol Burnett every now and then? She has a Caro Burnett vibe...maybe its all those wacky looks and crazy eyes... When she performed she made me think of the old Carol Burnett show....I know... I must of did too many drugs and its catching up to me now...


  1. You had me at Carol Burnett. Because I assume those white circles on the young Miss Gaga's head are embroidery hoops and that is so Carol as Scarlett O'Hara.

  2. She may look freakish, but at least she actually sang while onstage. Got to give her credit for that.
