Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Been Hanging
So major hangover on Sunday--haven't really suffered with a hangover in a long time! I usually stick to vodka drinks and can really slam them down and rarely do I have a hangover ....But on Saturday night we went to a Halloween cocktail party and a bunch of us boys got to drinking a giant and I mean giant bottle of Crown Royal. Nothing like Crown on the rocks! Well we had a good time and needless to say I felt no pain and I think I made out with a boy.....and then I .....well that's for me to share at another time......I was a bad boy or good boy depending on who you talk too...... but man I was dead to the world on Sunday....We did manage to go to the Mall on Sunday morning to do a quick shop ( hubby needed a mohawk for this upcoming Saturday/Hallween night) and then we had lunch....Spent the rest of the afternoon on the sectional with the kids.....Yesterday...work was hard......man I was dragging! I was tired and could hardly focus....I kept thinking swine flu....But I am much better today and I am happy to be back in the world of the living....I just cant believe It took me a few days to recover....Boy I am getting old.... If it was a cold I think I killed it all with that Crown....


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I wouldn't mind walking into my bathroom and finding him on the floor!

    Glad you are feeling better! Don't party so hard next time. LOL

  2. That's so very Karen Walker of you! lol. I hope you are feeling better. Next time, don't drink the whole giant bottle, learn to share! I'm sure your friends would appreciate it, eheheheheh

    Adam (mrelife.blogspot.com)

  3. I like how you say BOY. Umm.....and, I'll look forward to the real story from hubby...if he's still speaking to you.

  4. I'm waiting to find out the rest of the story, I will not tell the Hubby!

  5. RAD,
    Wished I was there to help you recover. looking foward to hearing the rest of the story myself.

  6. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Rad's Hubby made out with the boy too!

  7. It sounds like a party! Why wasn't I invited??? eehehehehehhe

    Adam (mrelife.blogspto.com)

  8. You pay the price for being a bad boy!
    I always take pain killers after my last drink & before passing out.
