Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Is Here...

Just a few pics I took the other day on our patio with my phone.....Isn't its so fallish! I Love it... and love the mums!--- I get one every year and then transplant to the yard and they come back....I should of taken a pic of the mums I have planted year after year as well...Will try to do that soon... You can tell that fall is late to arrive as the garden still looks pretty good...but that is changing as we speak as yesterday the cool rain and very breezy conditions started and leaves are the garden will be changing real soon....

The cute pumpkins below are the ones the hubby carved for our cocktail party on Saturday night.....Our annual fall cocktail candle party was a good time and we had about 20 plus people come over! The red apple martinis were a hit as were all my baking ....People thought they were store bought bake goods....that was nice. Well Rad Crocker is off to sales meetings all day and this evening for work today. Oh joy joy!


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Um . . . did my invitation for your Annual Fall Party get lost in the mail?

  2. Everything looks great. I love the fall and mums too. It's raining here on the East coast too today...blah. Have a good one.

  3. HEY! I recognize that patio. It looks just as marvey as when I sat on it.

  4. Love to be closer and go to the party. I love you pumkins and flowers. I do the same thing with my mums. Very nice.

  5. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Love fally!
