Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oh Goodie Goodie!!
Oh Goodie Goodie!! and TEE HEE HEE! Halloween is almost here! Here is one of my all time fave characters from the Bugs Bunny Franchise- Lonney Toons! Good ol Witch Hazel! She would cackle and then jet off leaving a few hairpins in the air.... love it ...she was a hot mess before her time! LOL

I am looking forward to the weekend....A few Halloween Cocktail party's and lots going on and it should be fun....I love fall....Now how do we make this week move faster? Maybe Witch Hazel can help with one of her spells?


  1. Anonymous9:23 AM

    It has been a SLOW week. Ugh!!

    I love Halloween too! I love it more now than when I was a kid!

  2. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Ahahaha! That "hot mess" comment really made me laugh out loud with the hairpins and all that!

  3. Hello, Rad, I don't remember that witch... Anyway, what's gonna be your costume? Suggestions? vampires are always hot!!!

    Adam (

  4. I nearly died when a female coworker showed me her Witch Hazel watch - I almost hit her over the head so I could steal it!
