Thursday, October 08, 2009

Thursdays Treat
Chris Campanioni

Say Hello to Thursdays treat--Chris Campanioni....Trick or Treat? I say both when it comes to this handsome fella! So its the end of my week as I am working 1/2 day today! Hip Hip Hooray! We have to take one of the kids "Alika" to his dermatologist today for a appointment-- It should be his last of a study he has been in. Our vet/dermatologist suggested a study to partake in when I said we could not afford all his meds anymore as the cost is crazy! So our silver fox vet Dr Mundell...more on that another time....put him in this 2 month study on this new drug that should be out to vets in about a year or two. I think it has helped him a bunch and now he will be able to get the drug if we want it for the rest of his lifetime...I am hopeful that it helps Alika with all his allergies in the long run.
Tomorrow I also have the day off....I need to get some things done around the house and spend some time with the kids as we will be out tomorrow night for a concert.....I am super excited for the concert as its a group that I grew up listening too and it will surely make me cry---or as they say back home it will give me CHICKEN SKIN!! Its a Hawaiian Contemporary group--Cecilio and Kapono-- and they are touring and will be in Seattle tomorrow night....The hubby and I love them and we are going with my dad, uncle and sister....
Saturday is our Annual Fall/Halloween Cocktail and Candle party....We do a fall thing every year and then every other we do a candle thing with it as well...We do up the cocktails and snacks and its always a great time......We have been doing this for over 10 years now and its funny as when we started boys or men didn't really have candle, Tupperware or Pampered Chef parties -- well that has surely changed! It nice to have all our friends over as we all burn candles ( don't we?). Its time to stock up on them anyhow as candle burning season has begun!

So the house is fully decorated for fall and Halloween and it should be a great party to welcome FALL!! If your in the Seattle area please do call or e mail me as we would love to have you over...Red Apple Martinis will be ready and many other yummy beverages....How about some Chili and Corn bread and lots of yummy goodies and snacks? You sure you dont want to come over?


  1. cute guy. I bet you look better in your tighty whites then he does. Care to show?

  2. Sounds like a great party! Too bad I can't join you, but I really do not have any Fall underwear.

  3. I sure hope and pray Alika gets better. Your Vet sure is a nice guy. Wish I could make it to the party. Sounds like fun.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Chris gets bartender jobs at special parties in Manhattan. He is hot in person too.
    Check out this link.
    Scroll down you will see he is in his undies

    BTW Great blog!

  6. Visit MALES AND MEN on

