Friday, October 02, 2009

Time To Giddy Up!
The Weekends upon us
Ride em cowboys! I am so happy the weekend is upon us! Work is really depressing these days as I absolutely hate it and hope it changes soon or rather my attitude changes soon.... I know I should be happy I have a job and believe it or not I did get a mini raise a few weeks ago. I think they sensed I was getting fed up with it all ....So I have to appreciate that gesture. Now don't get me wrong I am totally grateful for a job and the raise....Im just in in funk right now....I think it maybe that I need a vacation, Some time off to recoup and re-energize and get some R and R would do me some good......but with mom sick its hard to schedule something to be away. Maybe something will work out soon...I need a break!
So I wore my cowboy boots today....thought it was kinda fallish...Thats why I was in the mood for a cowboy pic post today.....Is it just me or does wearing boots make you feel sexy? I like really sorta makes me feel all hot and kinda horny... Even more so if you are in just some boots and your undies! Happy Friday!


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Happy Friday to you too! I am also VERY ready for the weekend. It was a long week. I'm feeling in a funk too. Hopefully this weekend I'll find some fun!

  2. I hope you get allot of rest. If you find this stud you may not; at least you will have fun.
    Have a GREAT weekend. rest and relax.

  3. HATE is not a family value.

  4. Just found your blog, and really like it! Get some R&R you deserve it.

  5. I agree! Wearing boots is a real turn on for me too! I hope the job/work situation improves.

  6. Yup. I agree with the first poster. This was a VERY long week (bummed me out too). But I hope you enjoy the weekend and it gets the next week off to a good start.

  7. That is one hot casual Friday photo. I'm sure you looked just as hot in your boots.
