Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Santa's Watching You.....
Have you all been naughty? We all know our Santa doesn't mind if we are a bit naughty.....Ho hum its only fricken Wednesday...Now I know why its called hump day....after today the week should go faster! So the weather here is gray and rain....what I like to call Seattle doom and gloom weather and I think it has alot to do with the mood and how many people I have run into that this week that are a bit down and or tired this week.....except of course all the lucky bastards that are not working or already on holiday break... You know who you are....Why don't you please just shut your cheery ass pie holes!

Bitter party of one.... the phone is ringing......Bitter Rad homo answer the phone!! LOL

I do hope the weather improves for the holidays-- it will be good to have some sunshine and light.....I would much rather have last weeks bun numbing cold weather with sun then this gray "rain world" we currently have. One good thing about this weather is its perfect for getting rest and I have been getting lots of rest! This will be great as we have ALOT going on in the next few weeks so I will be rested up ready to go!

Ok.... so I just wanted to send you a reminder that Santa is watching.....Well someone is....if not let me know as I would be happy to watch you if needed! I do love a good show! And I am sure most of you put on some good ones too! :-) ho ho ho!


  1. Anonymous5:13 PM

    It has been a LONG WEEK!! I am ready for the weekend.

  2. It been a long time since anyone watch me. I hope for Santa.

  3. I wouldn't mind if this Santa watched me. ;-)
