Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Happy New Year

Hello! Im back!.... well sort of....I am trying to get back in the blog thing but for some reason I am having a hard time getting motivated to blog or even go online this week after being away. It was a wonderful vacation break with holiday party's and get togethes, visits with friends and family, movies, dinners and we even managed to fit in a mini getaway to Mt Baker with the kids....I will try to post some pics here soon (if you are one of my facebook buds you can see some of our escapades as they are already posted there) So it was a busy time but also restful too which was really nice.....It did however go by much to quickly and now its back in the daily grind.....Whaaaaaa! So now just playing catch up with work and life. Work is super busy and then just getting shit in order. I still have the Christmas stuff to take down and put away and will get to that this weekend......then I will general clean the house from head to toe....I am a week late this year on removal of Christmas and clean up of the house but I was too busy last week and really wanted to relax on times I had free and just chill ya know? I do just love to start the year with a clean fresh home!

Didn't make any real New Year resolutions...... I htink they are sort of silly....but I know I need to make a few changes....So I will work on some lifestyle changes for 2010... I need to quit my Classic Coke habit, start to exercise and just try to eat better. I do love my coke and that will be missed.....I will be doing a "war" class-- which is also called "bootcamp" which is a hour long class 3 days a week.....its a full cardio workout....I start that on Jan 18th....I am excited for that....Well check back with me on that on Jan 19th and I will let you know how excited I still am about it! LOL

So I am thinking my New Year will officially start next week....After the Christmas is removed and the house is cleaned and new linens are put out and maybe some rearranging of the furniture and some organization is done around the home...I should also be out of coke by the weekend as well..... But I cant make any promises if this guy above shows up with a can to share.... I may have to indulge.......can that slip up not count please?.


  1. Come to the run club on Saturday morning with me. That is your jump start! That or bowling on sunday! let me know!

  2. Glad you're back! I've missed you :)'
    Good luck on giving up Coke. I gave up smoking 8 years ago, I am keeping my Diet Coke!

  3. Happy New Decade!!!
    I don't do Coke or cigs, but I am no angel...

  4. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Happy New Year!

  5. Hey Rad! How have you been???

    Anyway, I am, like you, back to blogging, after a short while! Check it out! There are pics!

    Adam (
